Palm Beach Daily

The Next Evolution of Crypto Could Return a Lifetime of Wealth

Apr 29, 2022
6 min read

If you’re like most Americans, there’s a good chance you stream movies using apps like Netflix and Hulu…

Or perhaps you like to travel and regularly use apps like Uber or Airbnb. Or you use a GPS for navigation.

Or maybe you’re health-conscious and have a smartwatch and fitness tracker to log your daily exercise…

Well, you may not realize it. But all of these activities have something in common.

It’s a program called Linux. And it’s similar to other computer operating systems (OS) like Microsoft Windows and Apple’s macOS.

However, the Linux operating system isn’t used much for personal computers today. Nevertheless, it’s found its way into nearly every aspect of our lives.

So today, I’ll briefly explain the unique feature that sets Linux apart from other operating systems… and how its connection to crypto is a key factor underlying some of the most profitable crypto projects.

The Birth of Decentralization

The story of Linux begins with Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki.

In 1991, he bought his first IBM computer, but he wasn’t a fan of Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating system.

At the time, computer hardware and alternative OS software were significantly more expensive than today… So Torvalds set out to save money and build his own OS.

When he started working on Linux in 1991, he described it as “just a hobby, it won’t be big and professional.”

But of course, creating an OS from scratch is a monumental task. And Torvalds knew he couldn’t do it all by himself. So he contacted fellow PC enthusiasts over the internet to ask for help.

Over 100 developers joined Torvalds, and in March 1994, they released Linux version 1.0.

Today, there are over 600 versions of Linux. And it continues to be one of the most used operating systems in the world.

So, how did Linux become widespread and a part of so many different apps today… especially when it was created by just one guy and a group of volunteers?

You see, Linux wasn’t developed in the traditional top-down, company-like approach. Instead, it was developed in an organic, decentralized, interest-based way.

That’s because Torvalds made the code and software he created available for free.

It was the beginning of open-source development.

This is different from the proprietary model many of the most popular software products follow today.

For example, Microsoft controls the code and licensing of its Windows operating system. Only they can work on it, meaning any upgrades have to be approved by Microsoft first.

However, in the open-source model, anyone is free to collaborate, use, and modify a piece of software.

And as we see with Linux, open-source development can create products with great value.

But just because it’s “free” doesn’t mean there aren’t investment opportunities.

Red Hat is a great example. It’s a company that provides open-source, Linux-based software products to companies. And while the software is free, Red Hat’s specific services are not.

So, when the company went public in 1999, it was able to raise $72 million… and 20 years later, IBM acquired it for $34 billion, an increase of 47,122%.

Red Hat successfully leveraged the open-source model and became a hugely profitable business.

Today, we’re seeing a similar story unfold in crypto…

Profiting From an Open-Source Ecosystem

Nearly all the major cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks follow the open-source model.

For example, Ethereum (ETH) is currently made up of over 250 separate software repositories, each focusing on different aspects of the project… And it’s all publicly available.

But it’s not just Ethereum.

According to Electric Capital’s recent Developer Report, the number of blockchain developers is at an all-time high and growing faster than ever.

This open-source nature of cryptos is a key component of what we’ve been calling the Next Era of Computing… and our favorite way to play this trend is with a small subclass of cryptos.

These tokens are unique in that they automatically pay you what we call “crypto income,” just for holding them.

So you not only get access to the explosive upside of the underlying crypto as it grows… you also earn more crypto on top of your initial investment.

Plus, these payments are made whether the crypto’s price goes up or down.

Ethereum is one example of a crypto project that can pay you income. But it’s not the only one. And just like the open-source development of Linux, more people involved in these projects means greater opportunity for growth and profit.

For example…

  • Another token we added in March 2020 has been up as much as 4,143%… enough to turn every $500 into $21,214 and $1,000 into $42,429.

    We also earned a roughly 6.5% yield on that one… and it paid an additional $3,000 in income on a $1,000 investment over the last year.

  • A token we recommended in March 2020 went up as much as 71,418%… enough to turn every $500 into $358,090 and $1,000 into $715,180…

    And at its peak, it paid us as much as $6,500 a month in income on just a $1,000 investment.

Most investors only hope to make the equivalent of the average annual gain of the S&P 500 – about 10% per year… That comes out to 200% cumulative gains over 20 years.

But with just one crypto income token, you could’ve seen a 71,418% gain, plus an additional $78,000 in income… in a fraction of the time.

Thanks to a huge one-time catalyst on the horizon, we expect growth in similar crypto income tokens to explode this year.

This catalyst is called “the Merge.” And according to Daily editor Teeka Tiwari, it will set off an unprecedented “crypto panic” that few investors are prepared for.

But if you make the right moves… it could potentially return 55 years’ worth of stock market gains in a single month, month after month.

That’s why last Wednesday night, Teeka held a special crypto income briefing to help readers prepare.

During the briefing, he provided his entire playbook on preparing for this coming panic, including a free recommendation (it’s not Ethereum).

(Teeka’s past free recommendations have an average peak gain of more than 1,500%. So you’ll want to watch the replay just for that.)

And if you’re still on the fence about crypto, consider this…

When Linus Torvalds began developing Linux, he had no clue his software would become as big as it is today… or power everything from your Netflix stream to your GPS.

Crypto and “crypto income” are the next evolution of that open-source mindset.

If you’re not already invested, consider buying some Ethereum today. Because of its ties to crypto income, we expect ETH to grow 10x – or more – over the next few years. And with the recent dip in the crypto market, today’s price is a good entry point for investors.

We recommend investing no more than $200–400 if you’re a smaller investor and $500–$1,000 if you’re a larger investor. Just remember not to invest more than you can afford to lose.

And if you want to take your crypto investments even further, click here to learn more about crypto income and the “Merge” catalyst.



Greg Wilson
Analyst, Palm Beach Daily

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