Palm Beach Daily

The Secret to Crypto Investing is Timing and Knowledge

Jun 7, 2023
5 min read

Over the past seven years, I’ve helped arguably more Americans become millionaires than any other editor in the newsletter industry.

For instance, those who put just $1,000 in each crypto I recommended across the 2016 and 2018 bear markets could have turned their stake into $3.8 million.

And made gains as high as 151,000% (enough to turn $1,000 into $1.5 million).

To prepare you for what I believe is the next big development in crypto, today I’ll reveal the simple investing secret that’s helped me pick the biggest crypto winners time and time again coming out of bear markets.

Timing + Deep Domain Knowledge = Crypto Millionaire

Like all great investing secrets, it’s simple: timing plus deep domain knowledge.

By combining these two elements, you give yourself the best shot at getting into the cryptos that could make you a millionaire as the next bull market gets going.


Most people wait far too long before getting back in after a crypto bear market.

Yet you’ve already shown you have a good sense for the right timing by reading this essay… even with bitcoin still down over 60% from its all-time highs.

So congratulations for having the bravery to swim against the crowd.

For the average person, it’s difficult to get into crypto assets when they’re still way down from their highs… because it means the mainstream narrative around crypto is still negative.

Like it is today.

So fear is actually the biggest obstacle to the right timing.

You see, mainstream investors – as well as the mainstream media – are still afraid to invest in crypto because they don’t understand it.

That’s why they wait too long to get back in… and miss out on most of the gains they could’ve made by getting in at the right time.

Let me illustrate this point with an example from one of my prior bear market trades.

As we emerged from the crypto bear market in 2015–2016, I recommended cryptocurrency NEO in February 2017.

Here’s the trade alert:


At the time, NEO was 77% off its high. In fact, the crypto market felt very similar to how it does today.

Prices had rallied off their bear market lows, with bitcoin up as much as 514% off its 2015 low. But there was still a lot of negative news and fear around.

Yet anyone who ignored that negative news and got into NEO when I recommended it had the chance to make gains of 151,000%.

That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $1.5 million.

But here’s the thing about timing…

If you had listened to the media pundits instead and waited until sentiment improved (which happened just four months later) – your $1,000 stake would have turned into just under $20,000…

So you would’ve left more than $1.4 million on the table.

Of course, this is an extreme example. But it illustrates one thing clearly: Timing matters.

The secret to making the best gains coming out of a crypto bear market is that you must act when there’s fear in the markets.

You can’t wait until the situation looks rosy. But how do you have the conviction to act at a time like this?

That’s where the second part comes in…

Deep Domain Knowledge

The antidote to the fear that keeps most people from getting in at the right time is knowledge… specifically the type of deep domain knowledge my team and I have accrued over the last seven years.

That means educating yourself during a crypto bear market, when most people have dismissed crypto because they listen to the mainstream media.

This takes a contrarian mindset… which you clearly have because you’re reading this essay during a crypto bear market.

So again, congratulations on having the courage to acquire the right knowledge while most folks are huddled up on the sidelines waiting for things to be perfect before coming back into crypto.

By now you know you can’t make life-changing wealth from crypto unless you act when prices are depressed like they are now.

Because when you understand what’s really going on beneath the surface in crypto… beyond what the mainstream is reporting…

It becomes easy to have the conviction to buy in right now.

I know that may sound unbelievable with all the negative news being pushed by the mainstream media.

How can conviction be easy at a time like this?

Because I believe this could be the final Crypto Winter of this magnitude we’ll ever see.

The Final Crypto Bear Market Like This We’ll See

That’s why tonight at 8 p.m. ET, I’m hosting Big T’s FINAL Call: June 2023.

During this event, I’ll explain why this is the last, best crypto-buying opportunity of our lifetimes.

Here’s what I mean crypto’s “final” bear market…

The crypto market will start to trade more like the stock market. It will become less volatile.

And the days where you can get in on the foundational crypto projects that will shape our future for pennies on the dollar… They’ll be gone forever.

Once you understand the new development that’s taking place in crypto right now, it’ll open your eyes to what I believe will be the last opportunity to make a fortune from a handful of crypto investments.

For crypto, this new development is bigger than the current banking crisis…

debt ceiling negotiations… the FTX implosion… or anything else being wheeled out by the uninformed mainstream media…

In fact, this new crypto development is set to push crypto to 5 billion users at breathtaking speed…

My research suggests it will give rise to a new sub-sector of cryptos that I believe will hand investors the biggest gains in the next crypto bull market…

Tonight at 8 p.m. ET, I’ll reveal it all – including details about my top three cryptos to invest in now.

I’ll also introduce you to a special guest who will tell you where the best opportunities in this space can be found right now.

You can get VIP text alerts and reminders for tonight’s event by clicking here.

Once you sign up for VIP text alerts, I’ll have a special gift for you:

  • This 33-Cent Pick Will Ride AI and “Crypto’s New Development” to Breathtaking Gains.

This free report reveals one of my favorite ways to play this new development. And you get it as a bonus for signing up as a VIP for my event tonight. No strings attached.

Set an alarm for the event on your phone. Because if you get this one decision right, it could remake your financial life forever.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T

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