Palm Beach Daily

The Three Wise Men: Bill Bonner slays the sacred cows of business and charity

Oct 13, 2016
1 min read

Pop quiz: Which of the following statements did Agora Inc. founder (and Mark’s business partner) Bill Bonner make in his book, Family Fortunes?

  1. Most charity is a waste of time and money; more likely, you’ll do more harm than good.

  2. Managers tend to pay themselves far more than they’re worth.

  3. The one who relies on the talents, vision, ingenuity, and imagination of a single person is doomed to fail.

  4. Don’t be a pioneer.

  5. Any business that begins to care about employee morale is lame.

  6. College doesn’t prepare students very well for real life.

ANSWER: All of the above.

Now, many of these comments slay the “sacred cows” we’re told all good citizens should believe in. But are Bill’s statements really so radical?

Watch Bill explain his rationale in an enjoyable CEO panel discussion he took part in not long ago...

(Next year’s FreedomFest will mark the conclave’s 10th anniversary. If you’d like more information, you can view its website right here.)

[The Three Wise Men of Wealth Building are Mark Ford, Bill Bonner, and Doug Casey... three of the smartest, most successful men alive today.]

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