Palm Beach Daily

25 things we did as kids that would get us arrested now

Jul 7, 2015
1 min read
Kids' Safety

From The Organic Prepper: With all of the ridiculous new regulations, coddling, and societal mores that seem to be the norm these days, it’s a miracle those of us over 30 survived our childhoods.

Here’s the problem with all of this babying: It creates a society of weenies.

Below, you’ll find 10 childhood activities no one used to consider “extreme” or illegal... but could get some parents thrown in jail in some places today:

  1. Riding in the back of an open pickup truck with a bunch of other kids
  2. Leaving the house after breakfast and not returning until the streetlights came on, at which point you raced home ASAP so you didn’t get in trouble
  3. Eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the school cafeteria
  4. Riding your bike without a helmet
  5. Riding your bike with a buddy on the handlebars, and neither of you wearing helmets
  6. Drinking water from the hose in the yard
  7. Swimming in creeks, rivers, ponds, and lakes (or what they now call *cough* “wild swimming”)
  8. Climbing trees (one park cut the lower branches from a tree on the playground in case some stalwart child dared to climb them)
  9. Having snowball fights (and accidentally hitting someone you shouldn’t)
  10. Sledding without enough protective equipment to play a game in the NFL...

You can read the full list of 25 at

25 Things We Did as Kids That Would Get Someone Arrested Today

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