Palm Beach Daily

The Contrarian Way to Find Money-Making Ideas

Jan 27, 2018
3 min read

By Nick Rokke, analyst, The Palm Beach Daily

While the mainstream media is out there dissecting President Trump’s tweets, scaring you out of the market with fearmongering headlines, and (once again) declaring bitcoin dead… we’re searching for profitable ideas—wherever they lurk.

This week’s best play would have been to ignore the noise and “fade the move.” In other words, do the opposite of what the financial press says…

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What’s Behind Bitcoin’s January Sell-Off
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How to Follow Trump’s Latest Tweet to Profits
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These Headlines Say Sell—We Say Buy
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Nick Rokke, CFA
Analyst, The Palm Beach Daily

P.S. Before I start my trading day, I always check my inbox at 7:30 a.m. ET for Jeff Clark’s Market Minute.

Each day, Jeff has new market insights that always improve my trading performance… like which charts to watch during the week ahead… which technical indicators to use… or just some tried-and-true strategies from his 30-plus years as an option trader.

I asked Jeff if I could share his newsletter with my Daily readers. And he set up a link you can use to subscribe to the Market Minute with just one click. It’s completely free and should give you the same trading edge I get from reading Market Minute every day. Click here to get started.


Cure Cancer, Cure Alzheimer’s, Cure Parkinson’s, & Unlock the Code to Life Wrapped Up Inside DNA?
Hidden inside 5 billion-year-old bacteria, scientists have discovered the key to unlocking the secrets of DNA.

This could end genetic disease, save the global food supply, and grant us energy independence.

Only three companies hold all the key patents. Click here to learn more.


Reclusive California millionaire finally reveals his "key" secret
In 1 day, this gentleman almost lost his entire $1,000,000 life savings. But by using his "secret key" technique... he saved all his money... generated a fortune... and got to retire at 42, with more security than he'd ever imagined.

The most surprising part? His "secret key" wasn't a one-time tactic. It's been responsible for 389 winners and counting... and he's been quietly using it for the past 26 years to make millions. Click here and see his "secret key" in action.


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Pot stocks are unstoppable. Every time a state legalizes marijuana, new millionaires are made. Trump can't stop it. And this new law could force his hand to legalize pot for the whole country, setting off a marijuana mania bigger than anything we've seen before. You don't want to sit on the sidelines for this. To see the 3 pot stocks to buy right now, click here.

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