Palm Beach Daily

This guy just picked up the "big steel mallet"... and his life is richer for it

Apr 1, 2015
2 min read

Jordan Menzel just made one of the wisest moves of his life...

The 30-something single father decided to downsize his living situation to a 30-foot 1976 Airstream trailer. He says he bought it off Craigslist for “a steal” at under $4,000. Then he spent time renovating it in cheap, clever ways... like using old forklift palates for cabinetry wood.

The result is the chic and functional home you’ll see in the five-minute video below...

We wonder if Menzel is a PBRG subscriber... as he just picked up “the big steel mallet.” Here’s what Mark wrote in his e-book, The 11 Secrets Every Wealth Builder Must Know:


How much you spend on transportation, education, entertainment, and everything else depends very heavily on the neighborhood you live in.

So if you want to really cut your expenses, you have to downgrade your neighborhood.

Stay with me. I know you don't like this.

I have friends and family members who, while not absolutely broke, live in financial stress because they refuse to downgrade.

They live in $350,000 homes in beautiful neighborhoods and have new cars, but the cost of all these "necessities" is keeping them in debt. Most of them, in fact, are getting poorer every month.

Yet when I suggest they downsize, they look at me like I'm crazy. No, it's worse than that. They look at me like they believe I want them to suffer. They don't stop to realize they are suffering already. My advice is the only thing that will take that suffering away.

Holding on to a lifestyle you can't afford will make you poorer—every month.

Moving to a less expensive neighborhood is the quickest, biggest, and surest way to bring your spending down by 30-50%. It is the big steel mallet. Pick it up. Feel the weight. You know it is the only thing that will break those chains!

Menzel broke his chains... Are you ready to break yours yet?

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