Palm Beach Daily

This Iconic American City Holds Clues for 20x Profits… If You Know Where to Look

May 9, 2023
5 min read

Chaka’s Note: Today, we have a special guest essay from longtime PBRG friend Nomi Prins.

Nomi is a best-selling author, financial journalist, and former global investment banker. She reached the upper echelons of Wall Street before setting out to demystify the world of money.

Nomi recently spoke with over a dozen government insiders. And with record-low fuel reserves… and natural disasters pushing our energy grid to the brink… America is ready for a secretive energy tech known as “SMR.”

On Wednesday, May 10, at 8 p.m. ET, Nomi will reveal a way to play this trend for just $2 – and she believes it could become the highest-returning stock of her career.

To find out more, RSVP for Nomi’s “Power Shift 2023” with one click.

If you’ve ever walked the streets of Philadelphia, you know Ben Franklin’s name is everywhere. And for good reason…

Franklin was one of Philadelphia’s most distinguished sons.

He helped craft the direction of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence there.

And he lived only a couple of blocks away from Independence Hall, where the Founding Fathers signed both.

His house is also where the first official congressionally recognized post office still stands today… And where Franklin became the firstpostmaster general.

I had the pleasure of seeing it for myself on a recent research trip to Philly…


Nomi visits the B. Free Franklin Post Office, which commemorates the establishment of the postal system

For the United States, Franklin was a statesman, a diplomat, and a political thinker.

But he was so much more than that.

He was a writer, a publisher, a scientist, and an innovator. In fact, many of the inventions that Franklin developed were revolutionary.

Take one of his more celebrated inventions, the lightning rod.

At the time, churches and tall structures were often struck during lightning storms, and they could send fires spreading across cities and towns.

The lightning rod offered a transformational way to prevent electrical fires.

Another one of his inventions, the Franklin Stove, helped against a growing energy crisis by finding a more efficient way to heat colonial homes.

And that brings me to why I’m telling you all this…

Franklin offered an inventiveness to the American spirit that still exists. And that inventive spirit holds moneymaking clues today.

See, as I write, a massive opportunity is unfolding in the energy markets.

And it has the potential to make you as much as 20x your money – if you know where to look.

Let me show you what I mean.

America Is Desperate for Reliable Energy

The U.S. is facing the worst energy shortage in 50 years. Emergency fuel reserves are at record lows.

And natural disasters are pushing the grid to the brink of catastrophic failure. I know this from personal experience…

Where I live in California, heavy rainstorms flooded the valley this year – and turned my house into waterfront property almost overnight!

Meanwhile, Americans continue to struggle with higher energy bills.

In New York City, natural gas prices surged in February to their highest level since 2003 during a cold snap.

In New England, average consumer electricity prices were up 20% in November 2022 from a year earlier.

And in California, some people who rely on gas have been paying almost $800 to power their homes.

All of this means one thing…

America is desperate for dense, reliable energy. My conversations with multiple congresspeople in different states confirm this.

That’s why my team and I have been heads-down, searching for the best way to play this trend.

And we found what I believe is today’s biggest opportunity in the energy market.

A Government Secret “Declassified”… and a Chance at 20x Profits

I’m talking about “SMR.” It’s a new fuel breakthrough with the power to transform the U.S. energy grid.

This breakthrough is 2 million times more powerful than oil.

It’s also 3 million times more powerful than coal. And yet, even the nation’s biggest coal states are pushing for it…

States like West Virginia, Indiana, Missouri, Wyoming, and Montana – which all depend on coal – are moving bills to enable “SMR.”

And here’s why I’m so excited about this opportunity today – more than I have been about any energy trend in decades…

For 68 years, “SMR” was sequestered to government use only. It was classified to everyone except federal engineers.

But now, my research indicates that it will be “declassified” in the weeks ahead.

A new bill titled S.1111 could thrust “SMR” into the commercial realm as soon as May 12… and onto the front page of every major news outlet in the country.

By the time that happens, it could be too late for most investors to profit. I don’t want you to miss out.

That’s why on Wednesday, May 10, at 8 p.m. ET, I’m holding a special Power Shift 2023 briefing. (RSVP here instantly.)

See, my team and I have identified the only company with a federal license to sell “SMR” in America.

This tiny Oregon firm is finding an inventive solution to one of America’s biggest problems. And it could hand early investors as much as 20x their money in the long run.

At my Power Shift briefing, I’ll dive into the details… including a way to play this company for less than $2 per share. To make sure you don’t miss out, reserve your spot here with one click.

Happy investing, and I’ll see you on May 10!



Nomi Prins
Editor, Inside Wall Street with Nomi Prins

P.S. With profit potential that big, you might think this opportunity has something to do with options, private placements, or crypto. But not at all.

It’s much simpler…

It involves a type of investment I call “power shares.” To show you what I mean, I put together a new special report, How My Last Energy Trade Returned 22x in 2023.

In it, I’ll walk you through a trade that gave some of my readers the chance to lock in a 22x gain. Not in the raging bull market of 2020 and 2021… But this year, in 2023.

The only way to get that special report is by upgrading to my Power Shift 2023 VIP List. So be sure to put your name on my VIP list today.

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