Palm Beach Daily

This Market Crash Is a Trading Opportunity

Apr 26, 2020
3 min read

Last year, I stuck my neck out and predicted the stock market would crash in October of 2019.

Of course, I was careful to hedge my comment, saying I could be off by a few days or maybe even a few weeks.

But, my message was clear…

At the time of that prediction, the stock market was trading at an all-time high. So, my advice probably seemed a little crazy to a lot of folks.

Now though, considering the action in the market over the past month, preparing for a crash back then doesn’t seem so crazy.

Even back in October, market conditions were eerily similar to the conditions that led to previous stock market meltdowns – like what happened on Black Monday (October 19, 1987) and during the financial crisis of 2008.

I advised traders to prepare by raising cash, tightening their stop losses on trades, and maybe even adding some short exposure.

Now, it took a few months longer than I anticipated, but I’m happy I stuck with my prediction.

I don’t need to tell anyone reading this what we’ve seen in the market lately. It was the quickest and harshest decline from an all-time high ever. Prospective retirees had their 401(k)s virtually cut in half as the U.S. went on lockdown. And, the future for everyday investors has never been more uncertain.

That just goes to show: It’s always better to be overprepared and early… than underprepared and scrambling when things turn south. Especially when it comes to black swan events like the COVID-19 pandemic – which almost nobody in the mainstream financial media saw coming.

But when it comes to this market crash, it’s not all doom and gloom.

You see, market crashes actually present big opportunities for those prepared for them. It’s not just the ability to profit on short positions as the stock market falls. It’s also the chance to take advantage of quick trade setups as the technical conditions flip-flop back and forth between extremely oversold and extremely overbought territory.

The stock market’s proverbial rubber band goes nuts in turbulent times. It stretches deeply into oversold territory. Then it snaps back violently, stretching just as far into overbought territory – where it sets up to snap back again.

The trading opportunities are enormous, plentiful, and fast. And, my subscribers and I have so far had a great time trading them.

Since the market topped out in late February, I’ve handed my readers the chance for gains of 111%, 127%, 144%, and more.

If you aren’t yet trading this market, then now is the time to get started. With the right moves, you could make an entire year’s worth of returns in just a couple of weeks. Heck, you could even make back what you’ve lost so far in this crash.

That sounds unbelievable, I know. But, let me share something with you to prove it…

Recently, a subscriber wrote in to me. And what he said really stuck out…

Jeff, I closed out my position as recommended.

This trade brought my trading account back to where it was before the crash. It also made up for some of the mistakes that I was making before subscribing to your service and reviewing your lessons. – Clayton S.

What Clayton shows here is that, if you’re bold enough to act when opportunities arise, you can completely mitigate the losses from the recent crash. And, stories like Clayton’s are what I want to hear from everyone involved in this market right now.

It’s never been a better time to start trading. And if you use the technique that I’ve perfected over 36 years… which my subscribers enjoy now, each week… you’re likely to outperform every panicking investor out there right now.

Best regards and good trading,


Jeff Clark
Editor, Delta Report

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