Palm Beach Daily

This revolutionary investment yields a safe 8-11%... outside the stock market

May 20, 2015
3 min read

  This revolutionary investment yields a safe 8-11%... outside the stock market

From Tom Dyson and Grant Wasylik in The Palm Beach Letter: It doesn’t matter whether it’s Johnson & Johnson, IBM, or any other “blue-chip” company...

Every stock price can go down as well as up—even if the business is constantly growing earnings and paying higher dividends. As a result, investing in good fundamentals has never guaranteed good returns.

Until now...

Take a look at the chart below...

It shows two different ways to play Johnson & Johnson (JNJ). The dark line increased by 406% in 15 years, and never went down. The light line rose 225%—about half as much—and chopped up and down quite a bit.

IBM is another example...

The dark line rose 804% without ever declining... the light one, only 82%.

The light lines in these charts—the ones that go up and down, and don’t rise nearly as much—are the total returns of each stock (price appreciation + dividends). As you can see, even the two blue chips we chose were anything but a “one-way” ride.

But the dark lines—the ones that always went up and far outpaced the light lines (total returns)—represent the dividends each stock paid.

The “total return” lines are susceptible to the whims of the market (which sends prices up and down)...

The “dividend-only” lines, however, are far more stable. That’s because they reflect management’s commitment to maintaining a steady, growing dividend—rather than the uncertainty of the stock market.

  Until now, it’s been almost impossible for the average investor to isolate this dividend growth and invest in it without putting capital at risk of the market’s whims...

To get those rising dividends, we had to buy the stock and hold it... through ups and downs... just to collect the dividends and “hope” that a rally would follow each pullback.

But today, we have a new investment that actually lets you invest in the “dividend-only” line... without having to worry about stock prices that yo-yo around these steady payouts.

It’s a brand-new, backdoor strategy that most people don’t know about. It wasn’t even available to everyday investors until December 18, 2014. (It looks to us that the SEC thought it was too good to be true... and took a little extra time to approve it.)

Now, some professional investors have used a similar method to “isolate” dividends before. But it was only reserved for large institutions with billions of assets under management.

By following our instructions, you’ll finally be able to isolate dividends, too.

And you’ll have a chance to average 8-11% returns, without any stock market risk whatsoever. Current Palm Beach Letter subscribers can click here to access this month’s breakthrough issue.

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