Palm Beach Daily

This Single Problem Is Holding Back AI’s Full Potential

Aug 7, 2023
4 min read

How will artificial intelligence (AI) impact blockchain?

That’s the question on many minds.

The future of blockchain and AI is promising, with potential developments including enhanced data security and privacy, trusted and explainable AI, decentralized AI networks, data economy transformation, and integration with the Internet of Things (IoT).

Blockchain’s decentralized and immutable nature can strengthen data security and privacy in AI applications.

It can establish trust in AI models by enabling transparency and auditability, ensuring the integrity and fairness of algorithms. This is particularly crucial in critical domains like health care and finance.

Integrating blockchain and AI can foster decentralized AI networks, facilitating collaboration and sharing of AI models and resources. This can drive innovation, accelerate research, and democratize access to AI capabilities.

Blockchain-based data marketplaces have the potential to transform the data economy. They empower individuals to control and monetize their data securely, while enabling fair compensation and privacy when sharing data with AI developers.

The convergence of blockchain, AI, and IoT holds promise for creating powerful ecosystems.

Now, I’d love to take credit for the explanation written above. But in fact, it was actually written by ChatGPT.

So I don’t blame you if the answer above fooled you. It’s incredibly human-like.

ChatGPT answers are so human-like and accurate that teachers have banned students from using it to complete homework assignments.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know ChatGPT has taken the world by storm… putting AI in the limelight.

As part of my research, I asked ChatGPT to predict how AI would affect the blockchain industry.

And as you can see from the answer above – just like us at Palm Beach Research Group – ChatGPT believes the impact will be incredibly promising.

AI programs like ChatGPT will revolutionize the world. But they face a significant hurdle to fulfilling their promise.

In this essay, I’ll tell you what that hurdle is – and how blockchain projects are helping AI overcome it.

The Hurdle AI Needs to Overcome

ChatGPT has a dirty little secret: Not enough computing power!

And that’s per Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. He noted the shortage of graphics processing units (GPUs) in reports from behind-closed-doors meetings.

According to these reports, the shortage of GPUs led to low computing power for ChatGPT. The result being ChatGPT didn’t process as much info as it wanted.

Its memory is limited, so it may find it difficult to handle certain questions. And it may not complete more tedious tasks due to low computing power.

Here’s the thing: It took 10,000 GPUs just to train ChatGPT, per estimates. And some had it as high as 20,000.

And further, OpenAI is projected to need north of 30,000 GPUs for the commercialization of ChatGPT.

Of course, OpenAI is using the best GPU available for AI today, Nvidia’s A100.

It’s difficult to get exact information on the number of these GPUs available today.

But according to the State of AI Report Compute Index, there are only roughly 80,000 running today.

Now, consider that we’ve only talked about ChatGPT and its AI needs.

There are also other AI chat alternatives such as Bard by Google, Bing AI from Microsoft, Sparrow by DeepMind, and many more. And there are a multitude of use cases already beyond AI chatbots.

For example, vehicular detection and avoidance, processing of patient data, algorithmic trading, predictive maintenance, and cybersecurity all heavily rely on AI and generate billions in revenue annually.

So we’ll see not only an expansion of current use cases but a proliferation of new use cases as well.

It’s clear we’re going to need a lot of computing power. But GPUs are in short supply.

That’s where the blockchain comes in…

The Rise of AI Coins

For the past few months, engineers from Google and Microsoft have been working on a little-known crypto project that I believe will revolutionize the AI industry.

Now, these tokens don’t produce computer chips like Nvidia does.

Instead, they use the blockchain to help connect AI projects to the computing power it needs to go mainstream. And they’re doing it in a way that’s unique to the market.

This is the hottest new trend in the crypto world, and it’s still just a tiny, little niche of the crypto market.

And since this is a brand-new trend, many of these cryptos still trade for pocket change.

So it doesn’t take much to send them skyrocketing.

That’s why on Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET, Daily editor Teeka Tiwari is holding a special strategy session to discuss the rise of these AI coins.

He’s calling it The #1 Coin for the AI Boom.

According to our research, this project has at least 100x more upside potential than popular AI stocks like Nvidia.

That’s because there’s a catalyst that’s guaranteed to happen on August 23 at 4 p.m. ET that could send this token to the stratosphere.

Right now, the coin trades for under $1. So that makes it the perfect asymmetric bet. Just $1,000 in a play like this could turn into a six-figure nest egg,

During the event, Teeka will also reveal the name of a coin that could 5x your money, absolutely free. (His previous free picks have had an average gain of more than 1,200%.)

This could be one of the biggest opportunities we’ll ever see in crypto.

So click here to reserve your seat and learn how to get in on the ground floor of Teeka’s No. 1 AI coin for less than $1.


Greg Wilson
Analyst, Palm Beach Daily

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