Palm Beach Daily

We Could See 26 Million New Bitcoin Investors by the End of 2017

Oct 30, 2017
7 min read

Fidelity Investments is about to create 26 million potential bitcoin buyers…

Fidelity is the fifth-biggest asset management firm in the U.S. The firm has $2.3 trillion under management.  

On the outside, it looks like any traditional financial services company…  

It runs a brokerage firm. It manages mutual funds. It provides investment and retirement advice. And it offers life insurance.

Your company may even use Fidelity’s payroll services.

But here’s something that the firm’s 26 million individual investors might not realize…

A growing portion of that $2.3 trillion in assets is coming from bitcoin…

You see, Fidelity CEO Abigail Johnson is “a firm believer in bitcoin.”

And she doesn’t just talk the talk. She walks the walk.

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Free Emergency Cryptocurrency Briefing
For the first time ever, expert Teeka Tiwari and the co-founder of the world's second-most popular crypto are joining forces on November 2nd for a free special event called: Why 2018 Will Be the Best Year Yet for Cryptocurrencies. You'll have the chance to claim free Bitcoin during a special Giveaway. Free access here.

Fidelity allows its 40,000 employees to buy coffee or lunch in the company’s cafeteria with bitcoin. That’s all fine and dandy. But what really caught our attention was this…

Johnson says Fidelity recently opened a bitcoin mining operation. And it’s turning a profit. Johnson’s own words, per the online magazine Quartz:

I’m one of the few standing before you today from a large financial services company that has not given up on digital currencies. […] We set up a small bitcoin and Ethereum mining operation… that miraculously now is actually making a lot of money.

This is just the latest bullish news for bitcoin. Here’s why…

The first bitcoin miners were computer geeks living in their parents’ basements

Fidelity’s entry into the crypto mining space suggests that institutional money is not far behind. And that’s bullish for bitcoin.

But that’s not the only bullish signal we’ve noticed...

Buried under that news was an even bigger story… about millions of potential new bitcoin buyers…

It’s a story you won’t hear anywhere else. And I’ll tell you what it is—and how to profit—in a moment.

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New currency law could send Bitcoin to $10,000 by January
A new currency law – which has received almost zero press coverage – could send Bitcoin and a handful of lesser-known cryptos soaring by January. Expert Teeka Tiwari is holding an emergency briefing on November 2nd to give you all the details. In fact, Teeka's so bullish that he's giving away some Bitcoin during this free event. Register here.

The Floodgates Are Opening

It’s no big secret that we’re fans of cryptocurrencies at the Daily.

Bitcoin is up 1,103% since our very own Teeka Tiwari recommended it in April 2016. And Dash is up 1,014% since Teeka mentioned in the February 26 Daily.

And that’s before institutional money started to take notice…

I told you in August that dozens of hedge funds are entering the cryptocurrency market. Once these funds are set up, billions of dollars in capital will follow them.

As I wrote then:

These funds were early backers of social media companies like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter… They’ve multiplied their money 100 times or more on these investments.

When these guys make investments, we should take notice.

Fidelity is just the latest example of this. And here’s why you should take notice today…

A New Pool of Bitcoin Buyers

In addition to its bitcoin mining operation, Fidelity will now allow its clients to see their cryptocurrency assets on the company’s website.

Fidelity began testing the new service in August. The company has partnered with cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase to make the feature available. 

Fidelity customers must already have a Coinbase account to take advantage of the service.

This huge news has been flying under the radar…

Coinbase is the country’s largest bitcoin exchange. It has nearly 11 million users.

Remember, Fidelity has 26 million individual investors. And more than 40,000 employees. That’s more than double the number of current Coinbase users.

Fidelity’s entire investor base will now have potential access to the country’s largest bitcoin exchange. That makes them all potential bitcoin buyers.

Of course, we’re not saying all 26 million will use this feature. But if just a small percentage do… that will be a flood of new customers.

So, now’s a good time to get in… ahead of all those potential new buyers.


Nick Rokke, CFA
Analyst, The Palm Beach Daily

P.S. On Thursday at 8 p.m. EST (rebroadcast at 8 p.m. PST), I’m joining my colleague Teeka Tiwari for his special 90-minute emergency briefing.

Teeka’s so bullish on bitcoin that he’s buying $1 million worth and giving it away as part of this event. He’s calling it “The $1 Million Dollar Bitcoin Giveaway.” Everyone who attends will have a chance to claim their portion of this money.

You can register right here.


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If you missed America’s “pot stock mania,” here’s your second chance to become a marijuana millionaire. This 58-cent pot stock could soar tomorrow, when Canada votes to legalize marijuana for the entire country.

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