The biggest mistake you can make today is thinking you missed out on the current rally in crypto.

Since the start of the year, bitcoin and Ethereum – the two largest cryptocurrencies by market cap – are up 148% and 84%, respectively.

If you didn’t buy bitcoin or Ethereum earlier this year on the cheap, don’t panic.

There’s another massive opportunity just ahead in a small subgroup of crypto assets that are still trading at fire-sale prices.

But they won’t be for much longer. In fact, they’re poised to go higher… much, much higher.

Today, I’m going to show you why the most explosive part of the bull market is still ahead of us… and how you can position yourself for life-changing gains from altcoins.

The Cycle Repeats Itself

Every crypto bull market we see the same cycle play out:

  • First, money flows into the king of crypto, bitcoin.

  • Then, it flows into large-cap cryptos like Ethereum.

  • Finally, it flows into small cap altcoins.

If you missed the run up in bitcoin this year, don’t worry. We’re still in phase 1 of this cycle.

Money is still flowing into bitcoin… And we’ve yet to see the rotation into altcoins.

Let me explain…

Altcoins are small cryptocurrencies. Many of them have market caps of $1 billion or less, and some trade for pennies.

While these crypto assets are riskier than bitcoin or Ethereum, they come with much larger upside potential.

As you can imagine, it takes much less volume to move the price of a $1 billion token than it does to move the price of bitcoin, which has an $800 billion market cap.

Despite bitcoin’s big run-up this year, altcoins have hardly moved in comparison to bitcoin. But it’s only a matter of time before they do.

I’ve got two charts I want you to take a look at today. The first one is of bitcoin.

As you can see, bitcoin is up 148% since the start of the year.


When you look at this chart, you might think we’re halfway through the bull market.

But bitcoin only accounts for half of the $1.6 trillion crypto market. And it always moves first in a bull cycle.

The altcoins start moving only after bitcoin has made its run. That’s why this next chart is so important.

It shows the total market cap of all crypto assets outside of bitcoin and Ethereum. As you can see in the chart below, altcoins have just finished carving out a bottom.


If you’ve been eyeing an altcoin that’s run up over the past month, and you’re worried you’re late, erase that thought.

In the last bull market that ended in 2021, the total altcoin market shot up over 3,500% within two years.

So we’re just beginning to scratch the surface on the gains we’re about to see over the next year as this bull market gets going.

And this isn’t just wishful thinking.

During the last crypto bull markets, Daily editor Teeka Tiwari’s subscribers had the chance to see altcoin gains of as high as 36,696%, 86,715%, and even 156,753%.

The altcoin market cap (excluding bitcoin and Ethereum) still has another $700 billion to go before it reaches its previous all-time high.

Based on the historical growth of altcoins, I expect the value of the altcoin market to hit somewhere north of $2 trillion before the next bull market cycle is over.

If so, you’ll see many altcoins return 25x, 50x, and even 100x to early investors.

Don’t get me wrong: You can still make money investing in bitcoin and Ethereum. I own both, and I don’t plan on selling anytime soon.

But if you want to make life-changing money, you need to diversify into altcoins.

Especially since they’re about to get a boost from a massive trend that’s 126x bigger than bitcoin.

The $100 Trillion Opportunity

The trend I’m referring to is the tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs). It’s a topic Teeka has been beating the drum on for years.

You see, we believe every asset will be tokenized.

That means stocks, bonds, titles of ownership, real estate, music rights, collectibles – everything of value – will have their ownership rights secured by a blockchain.

Anyone will be able to trade the rights to assets they own to anyone else anywhere in the world at any time – all with the click of a mouse.

And this isn’t just pie-in-the sky thinking…

A recent survey by banking giant BNY Mellon found 97% of institutional investors agreed that tokenization stands to revolutionize asset management.

According to Reuters, there’s over $100 trillion in assets in the U.S. alone. That’s 126x

bigger than bitcoin.

And a new venture will be the catalyst for it.

It’s called EDX Markets.

EDX is a digital asset exchange that launched in June. It allows financial and crypto-native firms to trade digital assets.

The venture is led by Sequoia Capital, the firm behind startups like Google, Apple, Cisco, Instagram, PayPal, YouTube, and Airbnb.

It’s also backed by some of Wall Street’s biggest financial firms, including Charles Schwab and Fidelity. And it’ll be run by former executives from CME Group, Citadel Securities, and Goldman Sachs.

The launch of EDX is a big deal because it’ll be an institutional-grade trading desk that all of Wall Street can use.

We believe EDX will be the bridge that connects these tokenized assets to the markets.

And that’s where our opportunity lies…

These incumbent financial institutions are NOT going to rebuild capital markets themselves. They don’t have the expertise for that.

They’ll have to collaborate with existing blockchain technology platforms. And that’s where we come in.

Last week, Teeka held a special strategy session to share details about five altcoins he believes will ride this wave to new heights.

He also revealed the name of another altcoin we believe could potentially 8x your money as the tokenization trend plays out.

You can stream the replay right here.

Remember, the bull run in altcoins is just getting started.

Yes, bitcoin is up 148% since the start of the year. But if you really want to move the needle on your wealth, you need to take advantage of the altcoin bull run we’re just beginning to enter.

And because many of these tokens trade for pennies, you don’t need a lot to make a lot. That’s how you can change your lifestyle without putting your current lifestyle at risk.

Don’t miss the opportunity to get into this trend before everyone else awakens to it. By then, it’ll be too late.


Houston Molnar
Analyst, Palm Beach Daily