Palm Beach Daily

Why a Group of Gold Bugs Couldn’t Stop Talking About Bitcoin

Jul 27, 2018
7 min read

“It just makes sense,” I heard someone say…

I was in a room packed full of gold bugs. It was the first day of the fifth annual Sprott Natural Resource Symposium in Vancouver—a must-attend event for natural resource investors. It’s where companies, financiers, and investors come together to share projects and ideas.

So I didn’t blink at the chance to fly across North America to find valuable insights on the commodities market. (As regular readers know, commodities are on the verge of a new supercycle. With the economy taking off, demand for resources is going up… and it’s only a matter of time until prices follow.)

I didn’t think much of the comment at first, but it took a surprising turn… “It just makes sense… Owning bitcoin is a lot like owning gold.”

You see, the conversation at a natural resource conference had shifted from gold… to cryptocurrencies.

A Surprising Guest

But what surprised me even more was seeing our very own Teeka Tiwari on the list of speakers. I had no idea he was going to be there. And he wasn’t just any speaker—he was the keynote presentation on the first day of the conference.

As you can probably guess, he didn’t come to talk about commodities. Here’s T in front of a captivated audience…

I wasn’t sure what kind of reception he would get… As you can see in the picture above, there’s a lot of grey hair. They’re all traditionalists who like investing in gold—not the latest trends. I didn’t expect much excitement about cryptos.

But Teeka came out firing with a couple crypto picks… and then shocked the audience with his bitcoin price prediction. As regular readers know, Teeka thinks bitcoin will hit $65,000 a coin within a year.

That caught everyone’s attention.

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Not So Different?

When I asked some of these guys why they were excited, I got a lot of similar responses…

“I can put some of my money in this new currency that is outside of government control. They can’t inflate the value down like they can with the dollar.”

It’s the same reason why most of these guys invest in gold: It’s outside of government control. The government can’t just turn on the printing presses and print gold.

Gold and crypto investors have lost faith in government-backed currency… Why would you want to leave your savings in the hands of politicians, or with the unelected officials at the Federal Reserve?

People here are looking for sound money. Fiat currency is no longer sound… but gold and cryptos can be.

The second reason many of these guys said they had bitcoin was, “It’s the best way to diversify my portfolio.”

Some of the attendees told me they were Palm Beach Research Group subscribers. They’ve been paying attention. Greg Wilson, Teeka’s lead analyst, wrote about the diversifying benefits of bitcoin a few months ago.

According to a recent study by crypto asset manager Bitwise, allocating just 1% of your portfolio to bitcoin over the past four years would have increased your performance… and decreased the overall volatility of your portfolio.

So by adding this “volatile” asset, these guys would have actually decreased the price swings of their portfolio. That’s because bitcoin is uncorrelated to the stock market—when stocks fall, bitcoin tends to rise.

That’s also why gold investors hold gold. Countless studies have shown that if you just hold a small amount of gold, you’ll have better risk-adjusted returns.

It’s why we call both gold and bitcoin “chaos hedges.” When the stock market tumbles, there’s a good chance the money leaving stocks will go into gold and bitcoin.

This is why gold bugs love crypto… It’s almost the same thing as gold.

The only real difference is that you can hold a gold coin. You can’t hold a bitcoin—it’s only digital.

Other than that, bitcoin serves the same purpose for your portfolio as gold. It protects you from inflation, it gets your assets out of the depreciating dollar, it has a fixed supply that’s free from government interference, and it diversifies your portfolio.

But remember: if you do invest in this emerging asset class, we always recommend you take a small position size. Don’t bet more than you can afford to lose—$200–$400 is enough for a small investor to make life-changing gains.

Bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies are volatile. So, small position sizes will allow you to keep a cool head during extreme periods of volatility in the crypto market.

That said, bitcoin and gold complement each other. And that’s why I hold a little of each in my portfolio. I hope you do the same.


Nick Rokke
Analyst, The Palm Beach Daily

P.S. Right after the Sprott conference, Teeka hopped on a plane and flew to Glenn Beck’s Dallas, Texas studio for a historic event. He and Glenn joined over 100,000 others to deliver a bold message: “The bear market in cryptos is over.”

It was one of the most-watched presentations in the history of Palm Beach Research Group. And those in attendance got the chance to join Teeka at Palm Beach Confidential, with the guarantee that they’d earn at least 1,000% in the next year by following his advice.

It’s not too late to claim your spot alongside them. Click here to learn more… but don’t wait. This page goes offline at midnight tonight.


In today’s mailbag, Teeka and Glenn’s cryptocurrency summit remains a hot topic…

From Shawn S.: Good morning! I’ve watched your video several times and the information is amazing! My wife and I invested a small amount of money, $200, in bitcoin and will invest in your other recommendations as we can afford it. I sincerely appreciate you and Glenn coming together to offer such an opportunity. What a fantastic time to be alive; every day is such a gift. Thank you!

From Yvonne W.: Dear Teeka, I think the absolute world of you and love listening to you. I was so encouraged to hear you on the Glenn Beck show. Thank you and God bless you in all you do!

And a question for Nick about the coming Income Extermination….

From Bob L.: On July 25, Nick Rokke warned us to beware of long-term bonds. Does this apply only to U.S. government and business debt, or does it also (equally) apply to a selected mix (ETF) of non-U.S. government and emerging market debt?

Nick: Hi Bob, thanks for writing in.

Yes, the Income Extermination comes for all bonds. Government, corporate, municipal… they’ll all be impacted. That’s because all bonds are priced inversely to interest rates—when interest rates go up, bond prices go down.

How are you preparing for Income Extermination? Let us know right here


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