Palm Beach Daily

Why I Missed My Brother’s 49th Birthday

Oct 6, 2021
5 min read

In 2017, a complete stranger contacted my then 14-year-old daughter on Facebook, claiming to be one of my friends.

I looked over at my daughter in horror… I couldn’t imagine any of my friends contacting me that way.

She read the shock on my face and quickly stammered, “He was really nice. He was asking me where you’ve been traveling to lately and what crypto coins you like.”

This is just one small example of the type of intrusions I deal with in my personal life.

Being voted the most trusted man in crypto has also made me the most hunted man in crypto.

From attacks on my cell phones… my computers… my publisher’s computers… and even attempts to befriend my children over social media… it seems these creeps will stop at nothing to find out which crypto I’m recommending next.

You see, while not every coin I’ve ever recommended has gone up… many have. And those coins have changed my subscribers’ lives forever.

As far as I know, I’ve minted more Main Street millionaires than any other newsletter editor in the world.

Since 2016, I’ve picked the No. 1 performing crypto coin each year – and that includes during the so-called 2018 Crypto Winter.

And over the past two years, I’ve given my subscribers the chance to get in early on nearly a dozen pre-IPO deals, including one that recently listed on the Nasdaq.

Some people might say my success in the crypto and pre-IPO markets comes down to luck… But I disagree. My edge is good, old-fashioned, hard work.

I do everything in my power to put my readers in a position to make life-changing gains.

Before the pandemic shut down much of global travel in March 2020, I had already spent nearly 100 days on the road… And the previous year, I flew more than 200,000 miles and spent 193 nights in hotels.

Now that the pandemic is receding and vaccines have rolled out, I’m back on the road again.

Recently, I’ve traveled to Madrid, Lisbon, Paris, Colorado, and South America.

Next up on my itinerary was a trip to Hawaii in September to visit my brother. But due to an urgent opportunity that came up, I unfortunately had to cancel my vacation plans.

I ate the loss on the hotel cancellation fee… canceled the scuba training, and most difficult of all… I canceled out on my brother’s 49th birthday party.

I’ve put everything on hold – including celebrating my brother’s birthday for the first time since the pandemic outbreak – for one reason and one reason only: To give you a shot at a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Not Even September Could Slow IPOs

Tonight at 8 p.m. ET, I’m holding an emergency briefing on my next pre-IPO recommendation… an urgent opportunity you need to know about – and act on – right now.

An IPO – or initial public offering – is when a private company lists on a public exchange. A pre-IPO is when you buy shares in a private company before it goes public.

And if you want to make crypto-like gains in the stock market without waiting 30–40 years… there’s no better way I know of than pre-IPOs.

This year, we’ve already seen 767 IPOs… breaking last year’s record of 480. Three of the biggest are Bumble, Robinhood, and Coinbase.

And pre-IPO investors made a fortune when these companies went public…

  • Just $1,000 invested in Bumble when it was a pre-IPO would have been worth $13,266 on IPO day…

  • $1,000 invested Robinhood would have been worth $16,560 on IPO day…

  • And $1,000 invested in Coinbase when it was a pre-IPO would have been worth $95,153 on IPO day.

Not even a lackluster September could keep the pre-IPO market down…

September is historically the worst-performing month for the S&P 500… down an average of 0.2%. This year, the market fell 4.6% in September.

But while it was a disappointment for the public markets… the month capped another record quarter for the global IPO market.

According to a report by global professional services firm Ernst & Young, the third quarter ending on September 30 was the most active in 20 years for global IPOs.

So right now, the IPO space is on fire. And that brings me to my urgent announcement…

First Come, First Served

During a recent special event like the one I’m holding tonight at 8 p.m. ET, my last pre-IPO recommendation filled up in less than 12 hours.

And it’s possible this new deal could fill up even faster.

That’s why I canceled my trip to Hawaii for my brother’s 49th birthday party to bring you this information. I want to make sure as many of my subscribers as possible have the chance to access this deal before it fills up.

Here’s why I believe this deal could fill up so quickly…

The man behind this deal is one of the most successful venture capitalists (VCs) of our generation. Insiders compare him to Elon Musk and Richard Branson. And his previous 11 deals have built his billion-dollar fortune.

When you have the chance to invest alongside a dealmaker like this guy, you’ve got to take the shot. And that’s why back in January 2020, I recommended my subscribers follow him into his eleventh deal, which we aptly named No. 11.

It was the first-ever pre-IPO cannabis company to list on the Nasdaq in its 50-year history. My subscribers got a chance to get private shares at $2.25. And since then, they’ve soared as high as 854%.

The same billionaire who connected my readers to No. 11… is now working on his 12th deal.

And he plans to take No. 12 public on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) – the world’s largest public exchange.

The same VC already has taken one company public on the Big Board. And it had a return on investment of 460,000%. That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $4.6 million.

Some venture capitalists go entire careers without finding a single pre-IPO deal that lists on the NYSE… and this venture capitalist could have two.

During my urgent briefing, I’ll show you why No. 12 could be the single-biggest pre-IPO deal I’ve ever recommended.

Friends, the last pre-IPO deal I discussed during an emergency briefing filled up in less than 12 hours. So, if you want to be in the billionaire’s 12th deal, it’s critical you attend this urgent broadcast

Space in this deal is strictly limited. And it’s only available on a first-come, first-served basis… Once it closes, it’s closed for good.

And to thank you for your time, I’ve put together some special bonuses for those who attend. You can learn more right here

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

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