Palm Beach Daily

Why You Must Wait Before Buying This Current Crypto Rally

Mar 15, 2023
5 min read

Last year was a dumpster fire for crypto…

We had a handful of scams, frauds, and platform meltdowns like the FTX scandal, which might just be the biggest corporate fraud since Enron in 2001.

And we saw bankruptcies of some major crypto companies such as Celsius, BlockFi, and Voyager Digital.

However, 2023 has been a completely different story. Especially the last couple of weeks.

Last week, we witnessed the biggest bank collapse since the 2008 Financial Crisis. On March 10, regulators closed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) after deposit outflows and a failed capital raise plunged the institution into crisis.

SVB was the 16th-largest bank in the nation. It’s the largest bank to fail since Seattle’s Washington Mutual during the height of the 2008 Financial Crisis.

That same week, we saw crypto-friendly bank Silvergate collapse. It will close its doors and liquidate all assets over the coming months.

And on March 12, we saw New York state regulators shut down Signature Bank, which, like SVB and Silvergate, was a major lender to the crypto industry.

Because these three banks were heavily involved in the crypto space, you’ll see a lot of more hand-wringing about the risks of crypto.

But friends… I want you to understand that what’s happening right now has absolutely nothing to do with crypto. This is a traditional financial issue, not a crypto issue.

As I explained on Tuesday, this crisis has stemmed from two things.

The first is the Federal Reserve’s hawkish policy to raise interest rates to bring down inflation, which has hammered the value of long duration bonds.

Second is the greed and the stupidity of bankers who went out and bought these bonds without hedging their positions with interest rate swaps.

Who in their right mind takes long-duration risk (buying bonds with long dated maturities) in an accelerating-rate environment?

It’s nuts to me that the people making these investment decisions are not being jailed for criminal negligence.

Despite the sell-off in the banking sector, we’re seeing a huge rally in crypto… Bitcoin and Ethereum were up as much as 34% and 29%, respectively, since Friday when the SVB news dropped. Other altcoins are doing even better.

Bitcoin is set to be a huge beneficiary of this turmoil. And I expect it to go much higher from here. BUT it’s not yet the right time to buy into the broad crypto market.

Here’s why…

An Unprecedented Event is Coming

There’s a panic coming to crypto like we’ve never seen before. In fact, this could be the biggest crypto panic I’ve seen in my seven years following this space.

Longtime readers know I not only predicted the 2018 Crypto Winter… but I gave my readers the chance to take profits of up to 11,318% right before the crash.

And after the crash, I helped them get back in the market.

Those who listened to me had the chance to see gains as high as 3,955%, 12,193%, and 76,033% just to mention a few.

I don’t know of anyone who has guided more people to generating life-changing gains from the volatile crypto markets.

That’s why I want you to take this warning seriously.

After the big crypto rally we’ve seen the past couple of days, I can’t blame you if you’re confused by my warning.

If you already have some crypto, you probably feel like buying more. And if you don’t, maybe you’re thinking about getting started.

Yes, cryptos started this year with a bang. But before you make any moves… I want you to read this urgent warning.

Because if you make the wrong move right now, it could be among the biggest financial mistakes of your life.

We’re about to see a truly unprecedented event hit the crypto market. And nothing can stop it.

I believe it’ll catch millions of Americans by surprise. By the time they realize what’s happening, it’s going to be too late.

That’s why I’ve put together a blueprint for how to navigate this coming panic. (More on that in a moment.)

Nothing Can Stop It

As I mentioned above, cryptos are taking off again. They’re on fire.

But I’m watching individuals make a huge mistake. They’re speculating in meme coins – Layer 1 coins that are still pedaling the fantasy that they’ll unseat Ethereum… as well as a host of other, quite frankly, fraudulent projects.

This coming panic will wipe them out… But not in a way you’ve ever seen before. The big mistake everyone is making is they think the entire crypto space will have an explosive rally… AND THEY ARE HORRIBLY WRONG.

The next huge rally WILL NOT carry the whole market up. Just a tiny fraction of the crypto market will benefit. And if you don’t own these coins, you’ll get crushed… While a small group of better-informed investors will make a killing.

While I believe bitcoin will be insulated during this panic – and I believe everyone should continue dollar-cost averaging into bitcoin – the panic I’m talking about won’t happen in bitcoin.

To prepare you for this event, I’m hosting a special briefing on Wednesday, March 22, at 8 p.m. ET. It’s called the Crypto Panic of 2023.

During this briefing, I’ll explain exactly what will cause this panic – and how you could potentially turn $1,000 into an entire nest egg… all while getting paid month after month after month.

And as a special bonus for those who attend, I’ll even give away my top pick to play the coming panic. So click here to reserve your seat. And your email address will automatically be added to my RSVP list.

Friends, I know there are very few things guaranteed to happen in life. But nothing can stop this event from happening. It’s guaranteed by computer code.

So join me on Wednesday, March 22, at 8 p.m. ET. And I’ll share my entire playbook for this coming panic… and even give away a free recommendation to play it.

My past free picks have an average peak gain of 1,300%.

So I urge you to attend to get access not only to my free pick but my most current research on where I expect the next set of life-changing gains to come from.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T

P.S. I also want to give you access to a series of tutorials that will show you how to get started investing in crypto, step-by-step, no matter your tech expertise.

Typically, these videos are locked behind a $2,500 paywall. But you’ll have them for free. All you need to do is upgrade to VIP.

When you upgrade, I’ll give you a special report called Teeka’s Secret to 10,000% Gains, which explains how I’ve given my readers the chance to turn volatility into huge profits.

Click here to learn more. And your email address will automatically be added to my RSVP list.

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