Palm Beach Daily

You Can Turn Small Stakes Into Big Wins With Asymmetric Investing

Jun 7, 2021
5 min read

Cryptos are the riskiest, most volatile assets the world has ever seen…

Yet, many readers have become millionaires through investing in my crypto recommendations using only tiny grubstakes.

Take bitcoin, for instance.

I first recommended bitcoin at about $428 in April 2016. Since then, it’s gone as high as $64,863 – a 15,055% gain. That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $151,550.

Along the way, we’ve seen bitcoin drop 30% four times… 50% two times… and even 80% one time. Yet, even with its most recent pullback… bitcoin is up 8,513% since I recommended it.

Another example is NEO. I recommended this tiny altcoin when it was just 13 cents. It’s rocketed as high as $196.85 – an astronomical 156,753% gain. That’s enough to turn every $1,000 into $1.5 million.

Along the way, we’ve seen NEO drop 30% nine times… 50% four times… and 80% one time. Yet, even with the sell-off in crypto, it’s still up a mind-boggling 44,298% since I recommended it.

The way I tame the volatility in cryptos is through asymmetric risk investing. It’s a strategy that allows you to participate in volatile markets like crypto… without putting your current lifestyle at risk.

The beauty of asymmetric investing is when you find a massive trend and get into it early… you don’t need to invest a lot to make a lot.

That’s how I’ve helped my subscribers make a killing off crypto without getting killed.

And now, I want to tell you about another explosive investment idea I believe could make crypto-like gains in a matter of hours.

Risk a Little for a Lot

Before I get to this idea, let me show you how asymmetric investing works.

Symmetric risk is when you invest $100 for a chance to make $100. That’s a 100% return. But triple-digit returns are rare in the stock market…

That’s why typical investors end up making a very unfair negative asymmetric bet.

They often can’t bank more than the average annual return on the S&P 500, which is about 7%. So they’ll put up $100 for the chance to make just $6–7 per year.

When you make a negative asymmetric bet like this, you’re risking way more than what you’re potentially getting in return.

What I use is positive asymmetric risk.

When you use positive asymmetric risk… you’re putting up $100 at risk to make $1,000, $10,000, or even $100,000 in value.

Using positive asymmetric risk is how you turn $1,000 into $151,550 on bitcoin or $1,000 into $1.5 million on NEO – without putting your current lifestyle at risk.

Even if you lose $1,000… it won’t be the end of the world. Of course, it’s not fun. But it won’t put you in the poorhouse.

So you can completely tame risk by reducing your position size. And if you use uniform position sizes, you can put $500–1,000 across a handful of ideas.

Of course, some may go to zero. Some may only go up a little. But you only need a few to become the next NEO to achieve 24/7 financial freedom.

And right now, I’ve found an idea that some of the smartest money in the world is piling into. We’re early in this trend. And it has the potential to accelerate your financial journey from decades to just 24 hours.

Accelerate Your Wealth Journey

For years, Wall Street has told you that if you wanted a shot at complete financial freedom… you’d have to invest for decades, slowly accumulating single-digit gains on initial investments of thousands or more.

I’ve repeatedly proven that wisdom wrong with life-changing gains in crypto. And I’m about to do it again with my next idea.

It’s mostly unknown to individual investors… because Wall Street has no incentive to ever tell you about it.

They’d rather tie up your money for years than see you make a one-time, life-changing return and then cash out…

And typically, you’d need to invest $250,000 or more to get access to an investment like this. There’s no way I would ever advocate you taking that kind of risk with your hard-earned savings.

That’s why I am so excited to let you know I’ve found a way to drastically lower your initial investment to just $1,000… while keeping all the potential upside intact.

It all has to do with a special type of investing that targets a specific type of company… One that most people will never hear about until after its explosive move.

These ideas can pull forward a lifetime of financial gains in 24 hours.

It has nothing to do with SPACs or cryptos. It all has to do with a three-step method I use to find “24 hours to 24/7 Freedom” ideas.

Let me be clear: These types of investments are rare and extraordinary.

And on Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET, I’m holding a special event called 24 Hours to 24/7 Freedom to reveal details on how you can get access to one of these rare investments.

I’ll also show you why no other way (outside of crypto) has the potential to mint millionaires from tiny grubstake investments.

Using this method…

  • 863 people became millionaires in just 24 hours.

  • 1,600 turned $1,000 into at least $1 million in just 24 hours.

  • And another 5,000 people (that we know of) used this technique on an entirely different opportunity from those above and became millionaires as well… all in 24 hours.

These are actual real-world examples.

I believe this method of investing is the only way to get the life you want… not the life you have to settle for… within 24 hours.

So don’t delay. Join me on Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET. And let me show you how you can put yourself on the path to 24/7 financial freedom in 24 hours.

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. As a bonus for attending, I’ll give away a never-before-released pick with the potential to 10x your money. You’ll get the name and ticker symbol during the event, no strings attached.

My past free picks have an incredible average peak gain of 1,691%. So make sure you join me at my free event on Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET.

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