Palm Beach Daily

Your Cryptocurrency Volatility Survival Guide

Feb 10, 2018
5 min read

The cryptocurrency market had one of its most volatile weeks in months, dropping 23% since February 1. But we’re still bullish here at the Daily.

This past week, we showed you several ways to handle the emotional ride… and told you why the outlook for this asset class remains bright. Meanwhile, we’ve uncovered another asset class that’s headed into a new “supercycle”…

Three Steps to Prepare Your Portfolio for a Stock Market Crash
There’s no theory that really explains why markets crash. This is hard for most people to swallow. They want a reason why something happened. Despite the uncertainty, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Here are three you can try today

The Next Commodities Supercycle Is Getting Started
During the last supercyle in 2004, commodities investors made triple-digit gains. The entire asset class got a boost from three tailwinds. We’re seeing these trends align again, so now is the time to get some exposure. Here’s our favorite way

How to Overcome the Five Stages of Grief in the Crypto Market
The recent cryptocurrency sell-off has many investors going through what famed psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross called “The Five Stages of Grief.” Are you in one of the stages? Click here to find out

Why Fear in the Crypto Market Is Overblown
The type of volatility we’ve seen recently in the crypto market isn’t new. Just last September, we experienced peak-to-valley drops of 67%, 73%, and 78% in some coins. Each time, the market bounced back. That’s why you shouldn’t get worked up over this current pullback

Teeka Tiwari on Why This News Means Cryptos Are Here to Stay
Earlier this week, regulators from two major federal agencies testified in a Senate hearing about cryptocurrencies. Analysts thought the regulators would ask lawmakers to clamp down on cryptos. Instead, they took a different approach. Here’s why that’s big news for the asset class


Nick Rokke, CFA
Analyst, The Palm Beach Daily


How to Profit from Bill Bonner's Trade of the Century
Bill's not known as a stock picker – for good reason – but folks who took action on his "Trade of the Decade" could've made up to 620%.

Now, he's issued a controversial Trade of the Century – which could end up even bigger.

Here's the scoop on 6 ways to play his Trade of the Century…


Scientist Studying Ancient Bacteria Stumbles Upon the Key To DNA
Now the technology is moving faster than ever.

On February 27th, a small company could announce it cured a specific type of lung cancer…

This announcement could rapidly grow this tiny industry 35,000%!

Click here to see the best way to play this milestone news.


Congress Expected to Tweak Title 49 of U.S. Legal Code—Accelerates Rollout of Revolutionary New Car
- According to estimates by Deloitte, this could cause a $2 trillion shift within America's auto industry.

- Business Insider: We could see 10 million of these cars on the roads by 2020. That would represent a 49,000% spike.

- For the full details on this breaking story, click here.

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