The most profitable endeavor of Mark’s entire wealth-building career has been investing in startup businesses.

Here’s what he’s written about startup investing in the past:

Mark Ford

The returns I’ve enjoyed as an investor in small businesses have exceeded 25% per year.

There was a time when people thought they could earn that kind of return on investment (ROI) in the stock market. That was a very stupid and very costly notion.

If you’re a great investor, you can make 10-15% in the stock market. But you can make 10 percentage points more than that, on average, by starting and/or funding small businesses you understand.

Startup businesses have given me so much—a steady growth of income, a base of wealth that’s doubled every three years, the opportunity to get involved in so many other businesses, interesting investments, and a rich and stimulating business life.

Although I sometimes grouse about working too hard, the truth is I love starting new businesses. It’s challenging, but it’s also a great deal of fun. And when the business starts to work and the money starts flowing… well, it feels pretty damn good.

Thirty years ago, my track record at starting new businesses was a very mixed bag. But these days, I’m usually confident the businesses will work. This kind of confidence comes from 25 years of accumulated experiences, good and bad, and learning from them.

So if you were to ask me, “What’s the absolute fastest way to become rich?” I’d have to answer: starting a small business.

If you want or need to generate the returns people like Mark and the “super-rich” enjoy, there’s no way around building your own business. The good news is it doesn’t have to be as complicated as you might think.

Right now, Mark’s offering an unprecedented opportunity to learn his wealth-building skills—and much more. Click here to learn more about this limited-time offer.