Palm Beach Daily

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Learn up to 48 languages—for free—with these three resources

From Bob Irish, retirement expert, Palm Beach Research Group: If you want to learn a new language for free, consider these three options… Duolingo: This free program listens, speaks, translates to and from the target language, and provides multiple-choice tasks. And with the convenience of using the app on your smartphone, there’s no reason not […]

Companies with this vital, often-ignored quality outperform the market by 10%

Yesterday I shared some timeless investing wisdom from Agora Inc.’s all-time best performing stock analyst, Chris Mayer. (Agora is PBRG’s parent company.) Today Chris shares one key factor he uses to find companies that beat the market… From Chris Mayer, chief investment strategist, Bonner Private Portfolio: Peter Stormonth Darling may be the greatest investor you’ve […]

Say goodbye to Social Security… and hello to “SAVE UP”

A bill now in Congress could be the future of government-managed retirement… Sovereign Man reports a bill called the “SAVE UP Accounts Act” just hit Congress. The acronym stands for the “Secure, Accessible, Valuable, Efficient Universal Pension” Account. It’s a brand-new attempt at government-managed retirement (because Social Security worked so well, right?). If passed, it […]